• Question: what is the most complicated field of science

    Asked by joshm96 to Anne, Carolyn, Joe, Mariana, Nick on 25 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Carolyn McGettigan

      Carolyn McGettigan answered on 25 Mar 2010:

      It’s all pretty complex, but I reckon quantum physics is one of the toughest!

    • Photo: Joseph Devlin

      Joseph Devlin answered on 25 Mar 2010:

      Probably anything that I can’t do — which hardly limits it!

      Hard to judge. I’d have to guess that neuroscience it well up there as brains are by far the most sophisticated device known to mankind. Genetics is going to be up their too, I’m guessing.

    • Photo: Nick Bradshaw

      Nick Bradshaw answered on 25 Mar 2010:

      No idea where to start with that one – it depends how you look at it.

      Molecular and cell biology is probably the most convoluted simply because of the sheer number of different proteins, genes and lipids that go into figuring out how a cell works. And then we have different cells types and cells from different animals as well. There is no simple equation underlying all of this, we just have to try and figure each little bit out seperatly and then try to put them all together (hopefully trying to cure a few diseases on the way).

      Physics is probably the one that makes your head hurt the most however, paritaularly when you get down to the quantum level and things which seem to make no sense to us but are seemingly true (all particles also being waves and vice versa, particles behaving differently depending on whether you are looking at them or not etc).
