• Question: If you had created a machine that would translate animal conversations into english. What else would you study?

    Asked by lolfacebook to Joe on 16 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Joseph Devlin

      Joseph Devlin answered on 16 Mar 2010:

      Turns out Gary Larsen invented this one already:


      If we discovered that any animals actually had conversations, that would be worth a Nobel in itself. But assuming we did it would raise all sorts of fantastic questions starting with: What is animal cognition like? Does it vary from species to species? How is it similar/different from our own? For me, the question that would immediately grip me is: How is language organised in the brains of other species and is the same/different as in humans? It would be great to know whether the solution from evolution in human brains was basically the only answer or whether it could come about in many different ways (like eyes have, for instance).
